When do I need an outdoor burn permit?

Outdoor burning permits are required for all outdoor burning, except for recreational fires (see description below). Much of the Central Kitsap area has been designated a “NO BURN ZONE” including all of Silverdale and much of the area to the East and Southeast towards Bremerton.  If you live outside of the “NO BURN ZONE”, and are within the CKFR limts, you can apply for a burn permit.

  • No permit is needed and they are allowed in the “NO BURN ZONE”.
  • Means cooking, camp and bonfires 3 feet or less in size for cooking, pleasure, and ceremonial purposes.
  • Must be situated 25′ away from any structures.
  • Only charcoal or dry firewood may be used.
  • NO milled lumber, treated or untreated, is allowed.
  • Fires must be in a designated fire pit.
  • Must be applied for in person at the fire agency serving the area where the fire is planned.
  • Special conditions related to the approved special outdoor fire must be attached to this permit.
  • Permissible only outside “No Burn Zones”.
  • Permit is required and valid through the last day of the calendar year.
  • Burn pile must not be larger than 4’L x 4’W x 3’H.
  • The burn pile must be 10 times the diameter of the pile from any structure.
  • No fire will be ignited before sunrise, and no material will be added to the fire after sunset.
  • The fire may NOT contain materials hauled from another property.
  • Burn only natural vegetation such as leaves, clippings or prunings.
  • Permissible only outside “No Burn Zones”.
  • Permit is required and valid for 14 days.
  • Burn pile must not be larger than 10’L x 10’W x 7’H.
  • The burn pile must be 10 times the diameter of the pile (to a maximum of 50 feet) from any structure.
  • No fire will be ignited before sunrise, and no material will be added to the fire after sunset.
  • The fire may NOT contain materials hauled from another property.
  • Burn only natural vegetation such as leaves, clippings or prunings.
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Shaded areas indicate the “NO BURN ZONE”


  • A responsible person capable of extinguishing the fire must attend it at all times
  • A shovel and a garden hose connected to a water source and/or a bucket filled with at least 5 gallons of water must be on site
  • The pile must be situated at least 25′ from any combustibles
  • The person responsible for the fire must check current outdoor burning information (see phone numbers below) before igniting the fire
  • An outdoor fire may not be ignited and must be extinguished if an air quality or fire danger burn ban is declared that applies to the type of burning being conducted
  • The fire must be extinguished immediately if: Any emission from the fire is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of any person if it causes damage to property or business; or if it causes a nuisance
  • Permission from the landowner or owner’s designated representative must be obtained before igniting an outdoor fire
  • Only one pile at a time may be burned and each pile must be extinguished before another is ignited
  • This permit may be revoked at any time due to high winds or any other condition that constitutes a fire hazard
  • This permit must be kept on site at all times when burning is being conducted