Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue is governed under Title 52 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) by a five-member Board of Fire Commissioners, composed of registered voters residing in the fire district. These elected officials are charged with managing the affairs of Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue. Each Commissioner position is elected for a six year term of office, with positions up for approval on a rotational basis.
BOARD MEETINGS: The Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 4:00 PM at the CKFR Administrative Building (unless the Board meeting falls on a holiday, where it would then be scheduled on the following Tuesday).
Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue Administrative Building
5300 NW Newberry Hill Road, Suite 101
Silverdale, WA 98383
4:00 PM
REMOTE USERS: Please use the meeting link on the homepage, www.ckfr.org, under “Upcoming Events.” The meeting is available remotely (online or by phone) on Microsoft Teams.
AGENDAS, PACKETS AND PUBLIC NOTICES: For access to Board documents, click here.